In addition to their practical legal work, Sebastian Möllmann and Peer Bießmann also give lectures on media/copyright law topics, for example at the MIDEM in Cannes, in the Master's program in Media Law and Media Economics at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences and in the trainee program of the TV production industry association Produzentenallianz.


They also publish as authors on copyright/media law topics with a focus on music and film/TV law:

Bießmann/­Möllmann/­Scheuermann: „Künstler-, Produ­zenten- und Band­über­nahme­ver­träge“ in:
Moser, Scheuermann, Drücke - Hand­buch der Musik­wirt­schaft, 7. Auflage 2018

Möllmann: „Musik in Film- und Fernsehen“
in: Schwartmann - Praxis­hand­buch Medien-, IT- und Ur­heber­recht, 4. Auf­lage 2017

Bießmann/Möllmann: „Ur­heber­rechts­ver­letz­ung­en: Zivil­recht­liche und straf­recht­liche Kon­sequenzen“
in: Schwartmann - Praxis­hand­buch Medien-, IT- und Ur­heber­recht, 4. Auflage 2017

Möllmann: “The Future of Collective Licensing - Country Update Germany”
in: Masur - Collective Licensing at the ISP Level, New York 2010

In addition, they were repeatedly interviewed in expert interviews on current copyright/media law topics, for example on Spiegel Online or in NJW aktuell, 2016.